This is the stage where ambitions, values, likes and dislikes start to form. However the second
set of people who have grown older however have not moved to the old stage
bear the ill-effects of Stress further. Be it hunger, loneliness, heat, cold, etc. The Stress
that they could not combat in their life starts to overpower them and dictates the
heart and mind.Everyone who is born has to die some day. He wants everything that
he can lay his hands onto and wants to own everything that his eyes can
see up to. He is as daring as daring can mean to be and as
loyal as loyal can mean to be.When he enters the Young age is when he
starts tasting what stress is like to be. Here too the Stress does play a
role, however it does not get to go to its full potential as the person
understands the concept of letting things go when "push comes to shove". Here again he
tends to think with the heart more than the mind and satisfaction will matter first
to him than the physical encashment of his time. Some get away with minimal effects
because of the provisions already made for him and some not-so-fortunate tend to feel a
little awkward about their own shortcomings. Of course they are greatly influenced by the surroundings,
however like the DNA, every individual makes his own print of the forces and the
tools Nike Tn at his hand. This is where Stress starts to physically manifest itself in the
form of ailments. The thin line between being aggressively ambitious and contentedly competitive is usually
crossed many a time. He is like that of an atom in an enclosed container
where the pressure of meeting expectations and to excel is heavy. Most of his mistakes
are brushed aside as "Being Naughty" or "He is still learning". More the pressure, more
the energy to the atom and with no outlet the atom gets volatile. Our physically
container cannot contain a lot of pressure and some individuals scum to the excess. He
has more control than he ever had in his life - over his wants, over
his surroundings, over the people that matter to him. He is not wary of the
dangers as his mind does not recognize the same and hence does not cry because
of them.With time he grows up to the stage where he can communicate his wants
in more verbal manner, however Stress does not get to him yet as he is
cared for and knows that whatever situation he might get into, he has his family
to count on. When the ends do not meet the means he gets restless as
the urge to achieve is greater than the fulfillment in content. This stage too is
not really affected by stress much as the person uses his Heart more than his
mind to Tn Requin make decisions - Good or Bad and does not usually regret them as
they were his own. This is the point where Stress takes its evil form.The last
stage is that of old age. People who have control on Stress and have learned
the ways to harness its power enjoy their second childhood. He looses sleep over the
hurdles that he need to cross the next day, he looses his well-wishers over the
hectic schedule he makes for himself - trying not to loose time to make his
ends meet, he looses himself to completely to stress.The next stage is that of middle
age where the person learns to share his kingdom, his almightiness in return for "his"
family. He takes responsibility for his life even when he knows that he is not
ready for the same. However the grace with which you leave the stage of life
usually is determined by the choices that we make. He starts balancing his decisions between
his heart and mind. However there is a section of people who grow older than
in young age, however will not move to the middle age. He has the wisdom
to be imparted to his offspring to counter the Stress. The result being that he
becomes a victim of Stress. They become irritable and restless. Heart pumps as much as
blood as it can as it is at its best and the mind too sends
as many signals as it can as it also is at its best. He does
not feel the pressure yet as it is borne by his caretakers (usually family) like
a person under an umbrella.His first rendezvous with Stress happens when he starts to need
his own identity. Everything will start getting personalized for him - His name, his family,
his clothes, his girl friend, his first bicycle, his shoes. A very dynamic stage which
decides the life of a person in terms of his career and love. He is
still daring but sets a limit to the dare and he is loyal, yet in
a way that he wants to be. Being the great almighty self, the person closes
himself to others who care for him and becomes a complete victim to stress. He
is letting out his emotions without any apprehensions through his only medium of communication. His
mind is strong as he had already used it to the full extent and now
he has learnt to use the power of good combination of heart and mind. He
understand the world better as his mind matures and keeps sending him signals of the
"treats and threats" of life. Some time around the adolescence stage does he loose his
innocence. When a Human Being takes birth, his response to his surroundings might make him
cry continuously. Choices that can make you the master and Stress your slave, or vice-a-versa.An
HR professional managing a HR consultancy..
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