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Great benefits. Three to seven percent (3 to 7%) of better paying jobs are found via
print. Find Mari Smith and Alicia Wright; two social net gurus. Dead end. Learn "give
to get." Jump in the pool. A) Blind ads placed by contingency search firms use
your resume to tele-market you to multi-firms. B) Late compliance with EEOC. D) Want-ads are
placed by employers too lazy to network. Yes!Social Network Sites - New ball game and
tricky. (See bonus item below). Employer Sites - Learn about an opening on jumbo job
board and go to employer site. Search Firms/Headhunters - If you make more than 70K
you will want to market you to Nike Tn retained search firms found in Kennedy Directory of
Executive Recruiters. Apply there, not jumbo job board. OMG.Job Sites - Okay to use if
you are in Health Care, IT or a field that is "hot" such as the
U.S. Government. News to you? Then get acquainted with THE "bible" of networking, Dig Your
Well Before You're Thirsty by Harvey Mackay. Lifetime pay. Dog paddle until you are ready
to go for "gold." If you are not there, your "competition" will be. Sitting at
your kitchen or dining room table staring at print want-ads might mean this article is
not for you. Verify there's a real opening. Make less, but know you're worth Tn Requin 70K?
Go for it. They learn what you make so they know what to pay others.
Odds? 16% of jobs are found this way. It's no longer a jungle "out there;"
it's too many jungles to count "out there." First, read this article's seven "Channels of
Distribution of You," meaning your background and experience. Don't go there. Second, check the bonus.Personal
Contact/Networking - Experts say 70 to 80% of the better paying jobs are found through
personal contact or networking. Cold Calling/Mass Mailings; possible and depressing. C) Employer research. Follow-up with
hard copies. U and US will hire an estimated 600,000 workers. They get 25-30% fee
from employer. 10% odds.Print/Newspapers/Magazines - Dying media. You need a big heart, plenty of shoe
leather or "bucks" to buy targeted mailing list, and send out hundreds of resumes. 8.
No Social Security worries. Facebook (huge; 5th in the world); twit on Twitter; and write
articles to drive traffic, first, to your visualCV dot com resume page and your blog.
BONUS - You get your free copy of my 30 minute report of Harvey MacKay's
book, Dig Your Well Before You're Thirsty, when you claim free access to "Ask Stephen
Q Shannon Anything" teleseminar Sundays at 9:00PM US Eastern via http://www.resumesteve.com/ home of the free
resume and cover letter critique.Stephen Q Shannon The Free Teleseminar Resume
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